
Russian Anarchist letters

Page history last edited by john 10 years, 1 month ago
A little about our new life here. by M. Not the start of letter. Bulletin of the Relief Fund, April 1932. (archive and bulletin: locksmith, exile in far north) [M is mentioned in 'I have already spent two months in this god-forsaken little town. '] Guillotine at work 608  
After long and distressing experiences with the now socialist prisons and camps, I again obtained freedom. From "Bulletin of Russian Anarchists", no.2 June 1924. Berlin. "From a letter of an old anarchist sent out to organizations and individual comrades", Maksimov18\7141 Guillotine at work 536-8  
And now, comrades, we turn to you in a matter which concerns all of us alike… By S (Viktor Sergeyev?) -  not?, but an anarcho-syndicalist Berkman129  
104 AnonymousLetters.doc
And now, comrades, we turn to you in a matter which concerns all of us alike… Excerpts from a letter by an anarchist in Solovetsky' Joint Committee Bulletin Oct-Nov 1924 3  
As you see from post stamp we are at this moment in the city of U By S (Viktor Sergeyev?) Berkman129  
August 1928. I returned from Kharkov today. by N (Sailor) Also in bulletin of relief fund, May 1929, p4 Guillotine at work 584  
Because of my absence from K. I was unable to answer your letter sooner. by PD. August 22, 1923. Behind the bars 1 NY jan 1924. 7134 in Maksimov 18 has extra para. Guillotine at work 532  
Dear Comrade, … We are not surprised that you cannot understand the relation of Marxism-Leninism to the science of photography… by B. Not the start of letter. Bulletin of the Relief Fund, April 1932 Guillotine at work 610-11  
Dear Comrade, it was indeed a pleasant surprise to hear from you by YX, April 22, 1923. Behind the Bars 12  
Dear Comrade, Your kind letter came a few days ago by XY. April 15, 1923. mentions Coney Island. Behind the Bars 12  
Dear Comrade: your letter received. Thanks.  By S. Mentions N, J 7135 in Maksimov 18  
Dear Comrade: Your letter was received. Thanks. Must inform you that your letters were read by the censors before they reached us, and be careful in your writing next time, because your letters may not reach us.  At present we have no particular news, working and quite healthy. I also want to inform you that N. received your parcel and J wrote you. | Everyone is rejoicing over the work that you are doing. With thanks and hearty regards from all the comrades. Behind the bars 1 New York January 1924 p.15  AnonymousLetters.doc
Dear Comrades - I was lying down on my bunk and listening to the sad song of the wind which is blowing a bit hard. By L. = Naumov, according to Maksimov18\7223. Bulletin of the Relief Fund April 1931 2-4  
Dear Comrades, during the summer mail arrives here per boat every week. by M (Narym district) Joint Committee Bulletin Nov-Dec 1925 4  
Dear Comrades, I believe that my letter acknowledging the first $25 was received by you.  Longer versin of letter from PP, otherwise starting "I must tell you, dear comrades, that our needs are great, greater than ever before." Behind the bars 1 New York January 1924 p.15  AnonymousLetters.doc
Dear comrades, you know already that I was tried in the Moscow court and sentenced to 5 years prison. by X Joint Committee Bulletin April 1926 3-4  
Dear Comrades: Because of my absence from K. I was unable to answer your letter sooner. by PD. August 22, 1923. Behind the bars 1 NY jan 1924 Guillotine at work 532  
Dear Comrades: Don't be surprised if suddenly you get a letter from me. By MC [Maxim Cherniak?] Behind the bars 1 NY jan 1924 Guillotine at work 533-4  
Dear Comrades: I am sure that my first letter has already been received, and therefore you know that the money received previously reached its destination. by PS [Peter Skurikhin?], sept 13, 1923. Behind the bars 1 NY jan 1924 Guillotine at work 532  
Dear Comrades: I believe that my letter acknowledging the first $25 was received by you by PP [from Aid Soc?]. April 3, 1923. Behind the bars 1 NY jan 1924. this Extra para in 7136/Maksimov18. "nd para: I must tell you, dear comrades, that our needs are great, greater than ever before. Maksimov18/7136  
Dear Comrades: I must tell you, dear comrades, that our needs are great, greater than ever before. by PP. April 3, 1923. Behind the bars 1 NY jan 1924 Guillotine at work 534  
Dear comrades: We have decided to cut down our correspondance: all letters are opened and we do not want to get people in trouble. By L. (Turkestan) Joint Committee Bulletin Nov-Dec 1925 3  
Dear Comrades: Your two letters and parcel received. by S. April 9, 1923. Behind the bars 1 NY jan 1924.  7134 in Maksimov 18 has extra para. Guillotine at work 533  
Dear Friend, No doubt you will understand why we didn't write you all this time in regard to that which you requested of us and what we really did want to write you about. Constantinople, August 26, 1923. Behind the Bars 5-6  
Dear Friend, you must excuse my long silence  
Dear Friends : The last boat is about to leave – there will be no other this year. (From an exile in the Far North of Siberia, where mail reaches only twice a year. The letter was written in September and arrived only now.) has 'little one'. September 1926. bulletin of the Relief Fund , March 1927 #2 5-6  
Dear Friends, As you see from post stamp we are at this moment in the city of U By S (Viktor Sergeyev?) Berkman129  
Dear Friends, Heartily thanks for your last gifts (russ-ang. Vocabulary ten dllrs. & "documents" which I now regularly receive) 15 May 1927. by SM. Poetry book coming for him is at Tver. Maksimov18 4259  
Dear Friends, I hasten to inform you that Vanya Kabas is now in prison in Moscow, after having been dragged about from place to place. by N (Central Russia) = Anton Shliakhovoy. Original letter translated and in Anonymous letters file. Joint Committee Bulletin Nov-Dec 1925 3  
Dear Friends, I have been wondering why you failed to receive several letters I had sent you in August. Bulletin of the Relief Fund Nov-Dec 1929 4  
Dear Friends: I am glad of the chance to reply to your last letter. Bulletin of the relief fund, no. 4 Nov. 1927 Paris-Berlin. Guillotine at work 571-2  
Dear Friends: I am glad of the chance to send you this, in the hope that it may reach you… Bulletin of the Relief Fund, December 1928 Guillotine at work 583  
Dear Friends:- We are glad to be able to send you the news just received. K and S about whom we worried so much, not having heard from them for such a long time, have at last given a sign of life. The letter from an exile. Bulletin of the Relief Fund, no.1 December 1926. Paris-Berlin. Also mention M., L., N. and R. Guillotine at work 550-551  
Dear S. It is already six weeks since I've heard from you and I am growing anxious about your silence. by Polya Kurganskaya, August 18, 1929. Mentions K. Also in Bulletin of Relief Fund Nov-Dec 1929 Guillotine at work 590-1  
Dear Senia, Zilber is already in Tver and has already found work… Not the start of letter. From Viktor Sergeyev. Archives of the Aid Fund, Chicago. 'Poet', Kolia, Vania, Arkhangeltzi.  Guillotine at work 569-571  
Don't be surprised if suddenly you get a letter from me. By MC [Maxim Cherniak?] Behind the bars 1 NY jan 1924 Guillotine at work 533-4  
Don't wonder, dear comrades, that I write so seldom to you. By R. Not the start of letter. Bulletin of the Relief Fund April 1931 5-6  
During the last period there has been a noticeable revival of work, but unremitting arrests hindered this work greatly. From "Bulletin of Russian Anarchists", no.2 June 1924. Berlin. "From the last letters sent by comrades in Russia; document no. 13", Maksimov18\7144 Guillotine at work 538-9  
During the summer mail arrives here per boat every week. by M (Narym district) Joint Committee Bulletin Nov-Dec 1925 4  
Excuse me for not writing you before, though I had your address. by S. Bulletin of the Relief Fund, April 1932. long. Mentions M (Maximoff in guillotine) Guillotine at work 611-12  
For a long time I have not had either fish, meat or fruit. Not the start of letter. 'Voices from living graves' Bulletin of the Relief Fund Nov-Dec 1930 3  
Four months here already, but I cannot find work. by N (Sailor) Also in bulletin of relief fund, May 1929, p4 Guillotine at work 584  
Friends : The aid you sent was already received in October, and you must have wondered at my failure to acknowledge it. ?Levandovsky flechine47/287 bulletin of the Relief Fund  #2  
Friends, our comrade Y who lives in the extreme north, just wrote me a letter that may interest you. by YZ? Or Y. Talks about Jack London, chances of work Guillotine at work 572-3  
Friends, we hasten to inform you about the fearful ordeal to which our poor M (Moisey Zuckerman) is being subjected. by K  Joint Committee Bulletin April 1926 4  
From a village hospital I take advantage of my "free" day to send you a few lines. (by NN?) Maksimov18 7194  
Good friends, thanks for your letter. Could not reply before on account of sickness - a kind of fever resulting from inhaling the fumes of acid used in our brass factory. by S Joint Committee Bulletin April 1926 4  
Heartily thanks for your last gifts (russ-ang. Vocabulary ten dllrs. & "documents" which I now regularly receive) 15 May 1927. by SM. Poetry book coming for him is at Tver. Maksimov18 4259  
Here in Central Russia, centralisation has almost reached its highest point, and the results are fearful. 'conditions in Russia' Bulletin of the Relief Fund Nov-Dec 1930 4  
I am glad of the chance to reply to your last letter. Bulletin of the relief fund, no. 4 Nov. 1927 Paris-Berlin. Guillotine at work 571-2  
I am glad of the chance to send you this, in the hope that it may reach you… Bulletin of the Relief Fund, December 1928 Guillotine at work 583  
I am glad to inform you, dear comrades, that in spite of illness and physical weakness due to my long imprisonment and exile, I am still in a comparatively cheerful mood. By N. Not the start of letter. Mentions Ch. Typescript in Flechine88 - 55 gives Solovky and July 1930 Bulletin of the Relief Fund April 1931 2  
I am out of the Solovky at last and I hasten to send you a few lines. 'Voices from living graves' Bulletin of the Relief Fund Nov-Dec 1930 3  
I am still in the hospital and I have no more hope of getting well. December 1931.  IWMA April 1932. Maybe Naumov? Maksimov 18 7350  
I am sure that my first letter has already been received, and therefore you know that the money received previously reached its destination. by PS [Peter Skurikhin?], sept 13, 1923. Behind the bars 1 NY jan 1924 Guillotine at work 532  
I believe that my letter acknowledging the first $25 was received by you by PP [from Aid Soc?]. April 3, 1923. Behind the bars 1 NY jan 1924. this Extra para in 7136/Maksimov18. "nd para: I must tell you, dear comrades, that our needs are great, greater than ever before. Maksimov18/7136  
I believe that my letter acknowledging the first $25 was received by you.  Longer versin of letter from PP, otherwise starting "I must tell you, dear comrades, that our needs are great, greater than ever before." Behind the bars 1 New York January 1924 p.15  AnonymousLetters.doc
I can tell you that I am glad to be in this place, because it gives me the opportunity to be of some use. Bulletin of the Relief Fund 1, December 1926 5  
I cannot write you much now because our friend Naumov is critically ill. by PS. [Peter Skurikhin?] Bulletin of the Relief Fund, April 1932. Naumov replaced by 'M' in original bulletin. Guillotine at work 608-9  
I hasten to inform you of the very serious illness of our comrade B. her third year of exile may prove fatal. Bulletin of the Relief Fund Nov. 1931 3-5 Aron Baron. Final 3 paras of text from Letter of Aron Baron to Senya Fleshin, Voronezh, July 29, 1931. See Aron Baron to Senya Fleshin July 29 1931.docx 
I hasten to inform you that Vanya Kabas is now in prison in Moscow, after having been dragged about from place to place. by N (Central Russia) = Anton Shliakhovoy. Original letter translated and in Anonymous letters file. Joint Committee Bulletin Nov-Dec 1925 3  
I have already spent two months in this god-forsaken little town.  Mentions A, skilled locksmith. M, health broken. [See letter from M - 'A little about our new life here.'] IWMA Jan 1933, Maksimov18  
I have already three times acknowledges the receipt of the $10 you sent me, but it seems you have failed to receive my previous letters by X (polit-isolator) Joint Committee Bulletin April 1926 4  
I have been wondering why you failed to receive several letters I had sent you in August. Bulletin of the Relief Fund Nov-Dec 1929 4  
I have had considerable trouble of late not start of letter.  IWMA Jan 1933, Maksimov18  
I have just arrived by etape to my place of exile in Narim. Not the start of letter. 'Voices from living graves' Bulletin of the Relief Fund Nov-Dec 1930 3  
I have just discovered that in the Verkhne-Uralsk prison the regime has taken a much harsher turn Je viens d'apprendre que la regime est devenu boucoup plus penible a la prison de Verkhne-Ouralsk… Berkman129  
99 AnonymousLetters.doc
I have no news… the situation as to obtaining work is hopeless as ever. by B. December 1936 Guillotine at work 623  
I hesitated a long time before deciding to write to you, and I write not only in my own behalf but also by the reques of our friends here. by A. tp 'N' in French version (124) Berkman129  
I know it is awful my comrades, to write you such sad letters, but what can we do? by B Guillotine at work 609  
I lead a primitive life. not start of letter. November 1936. Guillotine at work 622  
I must tell you, dear comrades, that our needs are great, greater than ever before. by PP [from Aid Soc?]. April 3, 1923. Behind the bars 1 NY jan 1924. Extra para in 7136/Maksimov18 Guillotine at work 534  
I received the 5 dollars you sent me mentions A.  Berkman129  
I returned from Kharkov today. by N (Sailor) Also in bulletin of relief fund, May 1929, p4 Guillotine at work 584  
I take advantage of my "free" day to send you a few lines. Bulletin of the Relief Fund, April 1932 (archive copy by NN?) Guillotine at work 607-8  
I want to thank you for the money you sent me. It is a double help, because the thought of friends makes one forget the distance and the loneliness. Bulletin of the Relief Fund Nov-Dec 1929 4  
I want to thank you heartily for the money you sent. by S. Bulletin of the Relief Fund, April 1932 Guillotine at work 612-13  
I was lying down on my bunk and listening to the sad song of the wind which is blowing a bit hard. By L. = Naumov, according to Maksimov18\7223. Bulletin of the Relief Fund April 1931 2-4  
In order to avoid too long an interval between the previous letter and this one  cut from Dear Senia, Zilber is already in Tver and has already found work… From Viktor Sergeyev Maksimov18  7174-77  
In our circumstances a good book is the best friend  
In the Spring I was transferred to a little hamlet that contains only 60 huts. by YZ? Or Y. Talks about Jack London, chances of work Guillotine at work 572-3  
It is already six weeks since I've heard from you and I am growing anxious about your silence. by Polya Kurganskaya, August 18, 1929. Mentions K. Also in Bulletin of Relief Fund Nov-Dec 1929 Guillotine at work 590-1  
It is hard, very hard, to exist here Voices from living graves' Bulletin of the Relief Fund Nov-Dec 1930 2  
It was a great joy for us to receive your letters and money. Voices from living graves'. Carpenter. Bulletin of the Relief Fund Nov-Dec 1930 3  
It was a miracle that I actually received the book you sent. by LF. Bulletin of the Relief Fund, April 1932 Guillotine at work 609  
it was indeed a pleasant surprise to hear from you by YX, April 22, 1923. Behind the Bars 12  
Je viens d'apprendre que la regime est devenu boucoup plus penible a la prison de Verkhne-Ouralsk… by A.  Comrade A… writes / I have just discovered that in the Verkhne-Uralsk prison the regime has taken a much harsher turn Berkman129  
99 AnonymousLetters.doc
July 1928. Four months here already, but I cannot find work. by N (Sailor) Also in bulletin of relief fund, May 1929, p4 Guillotine at work 584  
June 1928… No work yet. It seems impossible to get a job. by N (Sailor) Also in bulletin of relief fund, May 1929, p4 Guillotine at work 583  
Life is hitting me right and left and I feel bad about starting off without any smile, without any joy. not start of letter. November 1936. Guillotine at work 622  
Many thanks for the money you sent.  
Bulletin of the Relief Fund 1, December 1926 5  
Many thanks for your remittance. by T. November 1936. Guillotine at work 623  
My dear comrades: I have already three times acknowledges the receipt of the $10 you sent me, but it seems you have failed to receive my previous letters by X (polit-isolator) Joint Committee Bulletin April 1926 4  
My dear ones: you may "congratulate" me on being ordered to the furthest North. by Z (Arkhangelsk) Joint Committee Bulletin Nov-Dec 1925 3  
My friend and I are still without work.  
No doubt you will understand why we didn't write you all this time in regard to that which you requested of us and what we really did want to write you about. Constantinople, August 26, 1923. Behind the Bars 5-6  
No work yet. It seems impossible to get a job. by N (Sailor) Also in bulletin of relief fund, May 1929, p4 Guillotine at work 583  
our comrade Y who lives in the extreme north, just wrote me a letter that may interest you. by YZ? Or Y. Talks about Jack London, chances of work Guillotine at work 572-3  
Our hopes to organize our work on a larger scale have not altogether been frustrated, but they were balked to a great extent by the attitude of the local authorities. A letter from Nikolayev/ Nikolayev group Nabat no.17 2 June 1919 Kharkov Guillotine at work 421  
Our life is quite gay; if you belive the soviet papers. Not the start of letter. Mentions Shevtchenko's dream. Bulletin of the Relief Fund Nov. 1931 5  
Our material situation is very bad. We are without work and there is little hope of securing any. not the start of letter.  Bulletin of the Relief Fund Nov-Dec 1929 4  
Since the past several years I have had an opportunity to get acquainted with the life of the peasantry, particularly in Siberia. by E. 'conditions in Russia' Bulletin of the Relief Fund Nov-Dec 1930 3-4  
Some "changes" are taking place in our exile life.  
IWMA Jan 1933, Maksimov18  
Thanks for the money you sent. by CT. mentions M., L., R., K., N. Guillotine at work 573  
thanks for your letter. Could not reply before on account of sickness - a kind of fever resulting from inhaling the fumes of acid used in our brass factory. by S Joint Committee Bulletin April 1926 4  
The aid you sent was already received in October. and you must have wondered at my failure to acknowledge it. ?Levandovsky flechine47/287 bulletin of the Relief Fund  #2  
The comrades sent away from Leningrad are in great need not start of letter bulletin of the Relief Fund  #2  
The last boat is about to leave – there will be no other this year. (From an exile in the Far North of Siberia, where mail reaches only twice a year. The letter was written in September and arrived only now.) bulletin of the Relief Fund  #2  
The two moscow prisons in charge of the G.P.U. - the Lubianka and the Butirsky - are over crowded with politicals. Bulletin of the Relief Fund, May 1929. by 'a political who had spent considerable time in various Soviet prisons and who succeeded in coming abroad.' Guillotine at work 585-7  
Things in this part of the country, in our wonderful (once upon a time!) Ukraina, are not very encouraging Berkman129  
This is the worst season of the year  
This time, dear friends, I want to communicate to you the latest news. 'conditions in Russia' Bulletin of the Relief Fund Nov-Dec 1930 4-5  
Those of our friends who have completed their time in the "polit-isolators" and are sent to exile are mostly in broken-down condition. Voices from living graves' Bulletin of the Relief Fund Nov-Dec 1930 3  
Today I went to the Post Office and, unexpectedly, I received a food remittance. by K. November 1936 Guillotine at work 622-3  
Two days before the city was yielded to the whites […] the "Nabat" made all preparations for underground work. A letter from Kharkov, anarchists imprisoned on the eve of evacuation. Nabat no.25, 21 July 1919 Guillotine at work 434-5  
We are glad to be able to send you the news just received. K and S about whom we worried so much, not having heard from them for such a long time, have at last given a sign of life. The letter from an exile. Bulletin of the Relief Fund, no.1 December 1926. Paris-Berlin. Also mention M., L., N. and R. Guillotine at work 550-551  
We are not surprised that you cannot understand the relation of Marxism-Leninism to the science of photography… by B. Not the start of letter. Bulletin of the Relief Fund, April 1932 Guillotine at work 610-11  
We are subjected to contant changes, particularly in the matter of food supply, and always the change is for the worse. Voices from living graves' Bulletin of the Relief Fund Nov-Dec 1930 3  
We arrived in this place together with K.  mentions S (male), B Berkman129  
we hasten to inform you about the fearful ordeal to which our poor M (Moisey Zuckerman) is being subjected. by K  Joint Committee Bulletin April 1926 4  
We have decided to cut down our correspondance: all letters are opened and we do not want to get people in trouble. By L. (Turkestan) Joint Committee Bulletin Nov-Dec 1925 3  
We have received the money you sent. Unfortunately just now we cannot use it where we are Not the start of letter. Mentions ghezzi working as locksmith Bulletin of the Relief Fund Nov. 1931 5-6  
We have received your package and we cannot find words to thank you enough for your help.  peasant attitudes discussed. Sister of T dies, has child.  IWMA Jan 1933, Maksimov18  
We live here together, the 4 of us. SK (North of Siberia) (might this be Krasavin, Sergei?) Joint Committee Bulletin Nov-Dec 1925 4  
We try to follow from here what is happening in the world, especiallyin the world of the proletarian. by T. Not the start of letter. Bulletin of the Relief Fund, April 1932 Guillotine at work 613  
Yesterday I received the package you sent February 1932. IWMA April 1932. maybe Naumov? Maksimov 18 7350  
Yesterday they transferred some of our comrades to other regions, along the rivers Petchora and Izhma mentions Kumanov Bulletin of the Relief Fund Nov-Dec 1929 4  
You ask me for news of our people here and about the conditions of our life  Berkman129  
You know already that I was tried in the Moscow court and sentenced to 5 years prison. by X Joint Committee Bulletin April 1926 3-4  
You may "congratulate" me on being ordered to the furthest North. by Z (Arkhangelsk) Joint Committee Bulletin Nov-Dec 1925 3  
You must excuse my long silence  
Your kind letter came a few days ago by XY. April 15, 1923. mentions Coney Island. Behind the Bars 12  
Your letter has made us very happy  
Bulletin of the Relief Fund 1, December 1926 5  
your letter received. Thanks.  By S. Mentions N, J 7135 in Maksimov 18  
Your letter was received. Thanks. Must inform you that your letters were read by the censors before they reached us, and be careful in your writing next time, because your letters may not reach us.  At present we have no particular news, working and quite healthy. I also want to inform you that N. received your parcel and J wrote you. | Everyone is rejoicing over the work that you are doing. With thanks and hearty regards from all the comrades. Behind the bars 1 New York January 1924 p.15  AnonymousLetters.doc
Your letters have made me very happy. They mean to me a great deal: like a waft of fresh air to a man in a stifling atmosphere. By L. Not the start of letter. = Naumov, according to Maksimov18\7223. Bulletin of the Relief Fund April 1931 4  
Your two letters and parcel received. by S. April 9, 1923. Behind the bars 1 NY jan 1924 Guillotine at work 533  
Zilber is already in Tver and has already found work… Not the start of letter. From Viktor Sergeyev. Archives of the Aid Fund, Chicago. 'Poet', Kolia, Vania, Arkhangeltzi Guillotine at work 569-571



This is an index to the list of letters published anonymously outside Russia: see https://gulaganarchists.wordpress.com/2015/01/03/russian-anarchist-letters/. The Senya Fleshin papers should contain the originals of some of these http://senyafleshinpapers.wordpress.com/.

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