As yet these are not in any chronological order
Tcherkesoff, W Let Us Be Just ( An open letter to Liebknecht) 1896
" Ireland" Environment and Character ( interestingly an extant copy has the title " Social Conditions and Character") 1896
Bevington, L.S. Anarchism and Violence (appears in November 1896 " Liberty")
Henry, Agnes Anarchist Communism and It's Relation to State Socialism
Hamon, A. Definition of Crime
Bevington, L.S. Common-Sense Country
E. Domela Nieuwenhuis ( trans. R. Grierson) Socialism in Danger, Part One
------------------------------------- Socialism in Danger , Part Two
"Spokeshave" Jones' Boy : Dialogue on Social Questions between an "Enfant Terrible" and his father
The Liberty edition includes the songs " True Freedom, " No Master" and " England Arise"
( This was published by James Leatham at the Deveron Press, Turriff, Scotland around 1916? ). Carl Slienger suggests it was originally published in Canada.
The earliest edition I have found is by James Leatham in 1890 and, perhaps by the same publisher in 1891.These were published in Aberdeen. W. Reeves and Co published the 6th edition in London in 1906. The Twentieth Century Press in London published an edition in 1908 with the note " collected and repr. from the "Toronto Labour Reformer". In 1909 " Commonweal" the organ of the New Zealand Socialist Party" published an edition after having published some(all?) of the text in Volume 2 No 5, July 1 1904. Then Leatham published it again in 1916? at the Deveron Press. If the Liberty edition was the 3rd there must have been two more after ( or some before I haven't found) to make the Reeves edition the 6th
Bevington, L.S. Liberty Lyrics
Reclus, Elisee The Ideal and Youth (1895?)
----------- An Anarchist on Anarchy (1894)
(Reprinted from the Contemporary Review") A fourth edition 1897
De Cleyre, Voltairine In Defence of Emma Goldmann and the Right of Expropriation
Duncan, H.H. A Plea for Anarchist Communism
Various The Why I Ams (First Series) ; Why I am a Socialist and an Atheist by Conrad Naewiger; Why I am a Social
Democrat by G. Bernard Shaw; Why I am an Idividualist Anarchist by J. Armsden
Various The Why I Ams (Second Series) ; Why I am a Communist by William Morris; Why I am an Expropriationist
by Louise Bevington
In our copy of " Common- Sense Country" (nd) above the list of Liberty pamphlets is written "in the Press". One of the two pamphlets mentioned is Nieuwenhuis' "Socialism In Danger" Part 2 which was printed. The second pamphlet was " Parliamentary Politics in the Socialist Movement" by Errico Malatesta. That doesn't appear to have been published.
"Pariiamentary Politics in the Socialist Movement" was published in the Feb-April 1895 issues of "Liberty" (three issues) It did not appear as a pamphlet
Comments (5)
Mal Function said
at 12:56 am on Oct 2, 2013
Luigi Bertoni Papers :
has the following in the Errico Malatesta file :
'Parliamentary Politics in the Socialist Movement' (manuscript). N.d. 1 folder.
Barry Pateman said
at 1:51 am on Oct 2, 2013
Excellent- and thank you.I'll try and get a copy from IISH asap
Barry Pateman said
at 3:29 pm on Oct 3, 2013
So- the copy in IISH is in too poor a condition to copy..Plan B...
shawnpwilbur said
at 3:44 pm on Oct 3, 2013
Was text one which ran in Liberty itself?
Barry Pateman said
at 4:07 pm on Oct 3, 2013
Dunno. I shall have a look this weekend and get back to you
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