Leah Feldman was an anarchist who was active in Warsaw, in the Ukraine with the Makhnovist movement and later in London. An obituary of her by Albert Meltzer is on the Kate Sharpley Library website http://www.katesharpleylibrary.net/9cnpsr.
[There's an edited interview of Leah by Leo Rosser at https://archive.org/details/LeahFeldmanInterview]
Here are the pages of Leah's photo album. Fortunately, Albert went through the pages with Leah and wrote down the names she could remember. If you can help us put more names to faces, or tell their stories, please get in touch.
You might need to shrink the menu bar on the right to see the whole of each image. (Links to larger version of the photos are available.)
1, Max Alberg - sent money to come to London? ; Miriam (Manya) Fridman ; Dora, Esther? - Radical comrades in Warsaw - Esther went to Russia? |
2, Paula Brandenberg, Manya Friedman, Rosa Brandenberg ; Milbauer (artist) ; Avigda ; Paula Brandenberg ; Max, Zuckerman |
3, Abram Zuckerman ; Sam Fridman (see bottom of page) ; Miriam? ; Rosa and Zuckerman ; [Tolstoy].
4, Rosa, Esther? ; Avigda? ; Rosa and Abram Zuckerman |
5, Her mother was an anarchist and she's a dancer? |
6, Leah's brother Abram |
7, Sada? ; Soriel and Max Alberg Leah made her hat. He gave her the squirrel muff and tie. |
8, Paula Brandenberg ; Ester, Rosa, Felli |
9, Estenka (Esther?) ; Avigda |
11, Judith's sister ; Judith |
12, Anna and Rosenblum ; Sophia (from London?) ; Fella |
13, [Leah Feldman], older sister in Poland ; Sada? |
14, The woman in the right hand photo is holding a portrait |
15, [Kropotkin] ; Bakunin ; Aron Baron ; Hans Kalman |
15a Hans Kalman |
15b Leah left Russia with this bloke ; Hans Kalman |
16, Scottish ? |
17 A writer, wrote in Yiddish and English ; [Donald Rooum, Frank Leech, Arno Pomerans, Tony Gibson and Leah Feldman at Glasgow anarchist summer school in 1951, info from a cropped version in 'A beautiful idea: history of the Freedom Press anarchists' by Rob Ray p 126] She was a tailoress and taught him. They made a coat for Leah - Anna and Abram Rosenblum. Son invited to London to give concert ; cousin and granddaughter
18 Giovanna Berneri and Leah in Carrara [photo removed - see below] ; Marie-Louise Berneri
Fridman (Frydman), Sam. Biographical notes (in Russian, in a wiki form) by Kirill Limanov at http://ejwiki.org/wiki/%D0%A4%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%BC%D0%B0%D0%BD,_%D0%97%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD_%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87
Brief highlights: Union of Russian workers in Chicago up to 1917. Odessa Anarchist Federation. Nabat. Imprisoned on suspecion of involvment with the underground anarchists. Active in Paris in the 30s (including the Relief fund of the IWMA for imprisoned and exiled Russian anarchists and anarcho-syndicalists). Murdered in Auschwitz.
Additions (October 2014)
Scan of original image of Leah Feldman (on leaving Russia) as used in her obituary in KSL: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library (with thanks to a good friend of Albert Meltzer).


Postcard for David "Little Christ" Kogan - for more on Kogan see http://www.katesharpleylibrary.net/280h82

Giovanna Berneri and Leah Feldman, 18 August 1955 according to the back of the photo: Riado di Bedissano?

And Leah Feldman later (presumably in London)

Comments (1)
CIRA said
at 5:51 am on Aug 1, 2015
Giovanna Berneri : back of the picture says Ricordo di Bedizzano, souvenir from Bedizzano, a village near Carrara.
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