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May 1945 trial report
April 1945 Brown letter link
Dec 1945 word
Sept 1945 word
August 1945 Word
June Word 1945
June 1945 word
word articles april/may 1945
notes on Albert's 'military record'
link to BMJ article
Tom Carlile
The Struggle in the Factory; history of a Royal Ordnance Factory
where money came from for express printers
More on Wade
More on Leech
More on Raeside
Special Branch describe divide as between moderates and militants, moderates 'feared they might be implicated in illegalities'
Olday aliases
Libertarian Action Movement.Desmond Fenwick.Kitty Lamb11
Change details of Sansom's arrest
signatories of April 21 1945 protest
link to first DA
Chronology re: purchase of Express Printers and Lohr bio
Olday chronology- desertion date, arrest date and sentence date added to chron.
Lohr bio and chronolgy additions
caltabiano internment
is he certified on 17 or 18 december?
additions to Caltabiano info
Additons to chronology and Avery bio
Ronald Avery bio
Additions to Chronology.
Additions to chronology
Berneri and Ruiz
b and d dates for Kitty Lamb
Bio detail to Raeside.
More on Roskelly
Inge dates
Additions to chron.
Bio additions
various bio additions
link to Anarchist Federation: Aims and Principles
Additions to chron
Add to chron
Pradas and Revolt
Olday in the chron
Addirtion to W Addition to " War Commentary" sentencing.
Additions to Olday bio
A bit more Olday
Olday and Albert
Rough beginning to Olday's bio
Addition to Caltabiano
May Day Rally)
Soden mayday 1942 meeting
two Tom Brown mutiny articles linked to
Slight changers to chron re: " Now"
More Woodcock
Beginning Woodcock
Addition to bibliography
Lilian Wolfe
Ethel Mannin links x2
Chronological additions.
22 october 1944 two scans added, FPG response and RA and CH draft proposals
1943 Syndicalist Programme of the Anarchist Federation link
Addition to chron for May 1945
More Brown
Working on Tom Brown
Bibliography. Additions/changes to Hewetson biography
VR bio
Deleted 1943 reference in Albert's bio
Albert's bio- rough
MLB in Glasgow
Add Grafton to bibliography)
25 October 44 FPG circular
Addition to preamble re: relationship of FPG to the AF.
AFB to change, 1950
Fiddling with the chronology.I have a headache!!
More on Aldred. Still needs working on..
Beginning Guy Aldred
Link to Jack Wade's statement
Fenwick. Gape. Raeside. Shaw.-more later.
Jack Wade
Jimmy Raeside bio
link to FPG account of Fenwick Affair
Fenwick letters link
Slight chron re-arrangement. Change to Leech bio
Clarifying Fenwick's book stealing punishment..
Clarifying Lohr's resignation date from the AF
More on fenwick- getting there.
Bit more on Fenwick.
Final bit of chron, 1950
Gape, Raeside and Wade. Little ones.
Gape and Soden
Corrections to Gape
Fenwick- a beginning
Resistance: Freedom is not published by UAG
swf proposal link
Kitty Lamb
Kitty Lamb bio. Formation of SWF
Bulletin of Freedom Defence C'ttee. Further info on Caltabriano
Chronology additions and addition to Ronald Avery bio.
Frank Soden
19/7/44 Berneri also resigns for Editorial Board of WC
first DA published by London Group of AF
FP and the AF.More and more and...
Trying to clarify relationship of FPG to AF. Some hope....
Nore Frank.
Frank Leech
Caltabiano extras
WC critique of Aldred
date of UAG aims and principles
6th January 1945 letter
Hewetson statement link added
UAG pamphlet link
links to Friends of Freedom Press materials (2)
Caltabiano's protest letter
bio additions