

File history uploaded by john 11 years, 1 month ago

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Comments (4)

baris said

at 3:05 pm on Feb 10, 2014

I will be pretty busy for a while, so this part will pretty be delayed for a time period. Please let me know if anyone is happen to be started working on it.

Isobel Urquhart said

at 3:36 pm on Feb 10, 2014

I'm happy to start on it, Baris, if you let me know how far you've got.

baris said

at 1:44 pm on May 9, 2014

It's been quite a while Isobel, did you get any further on typing? If so, please let me know how far you have reached, so i can take over. Awaiting your response in a hurry, cheers .

baris said

at 5:05 pm on Feb 10, 2014

haven't started yet, so feel free Isobel, cheers.

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